Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Court action against spouse...am I responsible for payment?

My husband and former business partner got into a disagreement. The former business partner took my husband to small claims court and won (becuause my husband did not think it was serious and did not get his ducks together). Anyway, he won a monetary judgement against my husband. Can this guy take money out of MY personal bank account. My husbands name is not on it, never has been and I have had it for years prior to getting married. This account is no way linked to my husband. It is kind of like my own personal rainy day account. I was not named in his court action and had nothing to do with the business or their disagreement. We are married but our finances have always stayed seperate. (I do understand if he owed taxes it would be a whole other ball game, but this is not taxes). Can this guy get the money from my bank account that has nothing to do with my husband? His name is not on the account anywhere and I was not involved in his court case. I am curious because if so, I want to withdrawl my money. It took too long to save this to lose a good chunk of it over their stupid issue. So pretty much, to levy an account does it have to be the person the levy was issued against or would a spouse also be liable even though they were not the one sued? State of Nevada.

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