Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I have read in past teachings from LDS leaders that Jesus was not conceived of a virgin birth. is this true?

i read in a book where an LDS leader preached that this was nto so. that mary and "god" made this baby together. i do have the speech and the leader who spoke this information.. i would glady give it to you if you ask. now, if this is taught by the LDS leaders, do the mormons actually belive it? most i have asked say no they do not. so then, how do you know everything else they teach is correct? do all mormons pick and choose what they believe? and yes some christians do as well, some christiasn will say well i dont follow that part in the bible, and that is wrong. the bible is the way of life and you belive it all or you dont. i do not condone christians saying that. but the same is tru with LDS, why dont you believe everything you are taught? is it because some things make sense and my "go along" with the bible and some things are just to insane to believe?

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