Saturday, November 5, 2011

Can conservatives be honest with themselves and explain *why* they have forgotten the last 8 years of Dubya?

His two wars, his tax cuts, his two recessions, his failures responding to 9/11, his failures with Katrina, his insistence that there was never a recession while he was President, his "Sunny D"-scenarios that didn't jibe with reality, his idea of what a manufactured job was (making hamburgers at McDonald's), his "Mission Accomplished"-speech, his cute little flight suit, his opinion on how funny it would be to start World War III, his promise to keep the government honest, transparent, and deficit-friendly, his commitment to wiping out terrorism by the end of his second term, his idea of helping consumers out following the largest gas hikes in US history--following Katrina, spending $600 million to hunt for WMDs in Iraq, not finding any in Iraq, his speech: "We learned from British intelligence that Saddam intended to buy yellow cake uranium from Niger", his jokes about finding WMDs underneath a table at a press conference, his insistence that "the foundations of our economy are strong and getting stronger", his famous Bush-isms about "terrorists never stopping to find ways to harm America, but neither do we", slapping a man on the back and declaring: "Heckuva job, Brownie!", going on national TV and challenging the terrorists to: "BRING IT ON!", having to raise the nation's debt ceiling 5 times during his Presidency, having not vetoed one single spending bill that came across his desk, introducing the horror that was the "Prescription D"-Medicare Program that eventually would cost American taxpayers $1.08 trillion dollars by 2008--but did little to address the need for prescription drug access for the people who needed it or senior citizens for that matter, his amnesty bill for illegal immigrants, his attempts to privatize Social Security based on the failed Chilean model, "My Pet Goat" and how he spent 2/3s of his Presidency on vacation and golfing...

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