Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I have read in past teachings from LDS leaders that Jesus was not conceived of a virgin birth. is this true?

i read in a book where an LDS leader preached that this was nto so. that mary and "god" made this baby together. i do have the speech and the leader who spoke this information.. i would glady give it to you if you ask. now, if this is taught by the LDS leaders, do the mormons actually belive it? most i have asked say no they do not. so then, how do you know everything else they teach is correct? do all mormons pick and choose what they believe? and yes some christians do as well, some christiasn will say well i dont follow that part in the bible, and that is wrong. the bible is the way of life and you belive it all or you dont. i do not condone christians saying that. but the same is tru with LDS, why dont you believe everything you are taught? is it because some things make sense and my "go along" with the bible and some things are just to insane to believe?

Dan White murdured (inated) mayor, George Moscone and Harvey Milk. What led him to do this?

As the title already asks, why did Dan White murder & inate mayor, George Moscone & gay activist, Harvey Milk?

Should Pete Carroll have replaced the injured Mark Sanchez with back-up Garrett Green (Shoulda-woulda,...)?

I thought all 4 'SC quarterbacks were potential break-out stars and future starters. If Sanchez goes down, it's Green's trained job to come in AT FULL STRENGTH and run the show. Is Pete showing no confidence in Green (and the other 2 back-ups)? Does this remind anyone about John David being left in a game with a BROKEN HAND instead of having confidence in a back-up named, ummmm, Sanchez? If I recall, USC lost that game too, to the team that just BEAT the team that beat 'SC yesterday.

Can I get Laser eye surgery with astigmatism?

I have astigmatism in my left eye, it is steadily getting worse. My eyes are too sensitive to wear contacts and I really hate wearing my gles. Is it possible for me to get laser eye surgery, and if it was, would my eyes continue to worsen afterwards anyway?

Walkin down the street when a man!?

wow r u kidding call 911 right now im scared for u and hm id uno stay in a closet with ur cell till police comes im serious go to a friends house or something plz email so i c how u are later on if this is real email me where u live and ill come help or somehting

Is this room cute for a teen girl sharing a bedroom with a younger kid?

The first one is way cuter. Its more fun. I've never seen a bunk bed like that. And when you get older, your eventually going to have friends over, so you could use the bunkbead for that. You could also turn the top into a lounging area.

Packers should still be in 2010 playoffs! Go to this web!?

Crying about what happened solves nothing and will not bring them back so making the argument is completely moronic...

How do I know if my heater is working?

One of the tanks I bought came with that. I do not like it very well as I cannot adjust the temp myself. I did notice once when I took it out of the water briefly that a red light came on. Other than that no lights at all. The best way to tell is to go buy a thermostat. They are $2-$3 you will want one anyway so that if you think the water temp is fluctuating you can double check with the thermometer. Good luck and have fun.

What kelly clarkson song says " i gave you a chance you blew it, i was psyched out of mind, shut your mouth i?

just cant take it again and again and again!" (either its kelly clarkson or natasha beginfield.)

Am I letting my fiance get away with too much?

Sounds like he is going to do what he wants regardless of how you feel. Relationships aren't about control - but compromise. He should be willing to compromise with you over things that bother you. But if not, then you have to wonder where his loyalties lie.

Was Heath Ledger's death suicidal or accidental overdose???

My bff and I just went to see the Dark Knight movie for the 2nd time (it was awesome, go see it!!! His best role ever!!) and we were just wondering. It's so sad... : ( Thanks!!! TTFN!! : )

Does a business offering a discount for religious affiliation offend you?

Yes, I've posted a question about this before, although this one is a bit different. Thanks for reminding me of what I do. I don't have Dimentia...yet.

Intro for Macbeth essay?

The question is "Describe an important change that happened to ONE character or individual in the text. Explain why this change was important". It has to be interesting, none of that typical boring stuff. Please help, im totally stuck!

Ok i have a naruto question and i need help?

ok i forgot,but what does kisame's ring say.i remember that itchi's says scarlet but i forgot what kisame's said

How to talk to someone about therapy?

I have been lately (for possibly a year of longer) felling weird, and just could not put it into words. I recently took a valid psychology test on if I needed therapy, and it came out with Body Dimorphic Disorder, Social Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, depressive disorder. I know that some relate to me, because sometimes I feel constantly judged by others. I also never answer questions in cl for fear of being wrong, even though I realize I shouldn't be, and I want to be more involved in cl, but it's almost as if I am to afraid. I am hesitant to tell my mom, possible because I think she will think I am fine, and I am just over reacting. I have questioned her about it in the past, but she just brushes it off as "teen troubles". I haven't talked to my guidance counselor, because she is not the easiest person to talk to in the world, and can come of very mean and demanding. I am stuck between telling my mom or my guidence teacher. Its so hard to talk to someone about it.

Way to ask a girl to dance?

Well I was wondering would it be cute if I made this girl a message saying Homecoming? out of skittles? If so let me know. Thanks

How much should I be feeding my alligator lizard?

I've had an alligator lizard for a few months now and he is always hungry. The minute I come near the tank he looks up for food. He has eaten up to 4 large crickets in a day. And even after that he still looks for more. Can I be over feeding him? How many crickets a day should he be getting?

What is the deal with naming 3 out of 4 Islamic kids Mohammed? Even girls?

Thank you for bringing this up. though it does make it easy if you forget someone's name and they are islamic.

Bands like The Starting Line and FM Static?

I just now heard this music, before it was strictly hip hop, like rick ross, gucci mane, oj da juice type so i know nothing about this music, LOL but i dont mind it, ive only herd these 2 bands and a couple others who i didnt like so please help me out and name any you know THANKS.

What are you favourite 'multiple hero' movies??? Also list out the main cast in the movies?

When Brandon Lee teamed up with dolph lungren in Showdown in Little Tokyo. I think it showed more about Japan than I coulda seen in 100 + Japanese restaurants.

Can somebody explain what this lyrics (Kelly Clarkson) mean?

love is blind. just when you think you've found that special person...you realize the person isn't that special. my opinion.

RHH: A slightly different GOAT question...?

... This is kind of difficult. I'd say Nas most likely, he's very talented and creative with his delivery and he's good at storytelling... His lyrics are really deep and he always has an important message to deliver.

This a good opening paragraph?

I like it. Introducing the now-nameless characters was nice. I'm also doing that in my opening chapter.

Court action against spouse...am I responsible for payment?

My husband and former business partner got into a disagreement. The former business partner took my husband to small claims court and won (becuause my husband did not think it was serious and did not get his ducks together). Anyway, he won a monetary judgement against my husband. Can this guy take money out of MY personal bank account. My husbands name is not on it, never has been and I have had it for years prior to getting married. This account is no way linked to my husband. It is kind of like my own personal rainy day account. I was not named in his court action and had nothing to do with the business or their disagreement. We are married but our finances have always stayed seperate. (I do understand if he owed taxes it would be a whole other ball game, but this is not taxes). Can this guy get the money from my bank account that has nothing to do with my husband? His name is not on the account anywhere and I was not involved in his court case. I am curious because if so, I want to withdrawl my money. It took too long to save this to lose a good chunk of it over their stupid issue. So pretty much, to levy an account does it have to be the person the levy was issued against or would a spouse also be liable even though they were not the one sued? State of Nevada.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who is nicole richie's boyfriend or husband?

Joel Madden, one of the lead singers from Good Charlotte. He has an identical brother in the band too, I think his name is Benjy.

Should myths about a candidate be exposed?

John McCain is everything under the sun forwards, backwards, sideways, in between, inside out, and mirrored. I don't even think he REMEMBERS where he stands on anything anymore.

Im going to start south beach/atkins... anyone wanna be my partner who is maybe just starting also??

i need to lose about 30 pounds... and am 22/f and a poor girl who doesnt have a lot for special food :) let me know. add me to ur messenger if so. im rachiebachie841 on yahoo and aim and yummierae on myspace and msn! Thanks!!

Fans: Happy International My Chemical Romance Day!?

a few years back there was no such thing....whats with these fans now adays? can't we just appreciate them without a huge celebration?

Thoughts on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles last night?

I love the Terminator movies. I wasn't really expecting a lot from the TV show, but the first season was really good and I'm really into it. I'm in the US and they've released six episodes of season two so far. I'll just tell you this: it gets even more amazing. Stay tuned!

I play soccer but i dont know...?

ok i have played soccer a few years now but i have always only played keeper so i was just wondering what is off sides? this year im on varsity. i have a strong felling my stupid cauch, who i hate 4 doing this, is going to play me on the feild also. i dont want to look like an idei or stupid 4 not knowing what off sides is.PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Which players are leading the votes in the HOME RUN DERBY 2009?

i dont think players are voted for the HR derby, they volunteer to participate. the players are voted to play in the all star game. you dont have to be an all star to participate in the HR derby

Does anyone have any running pick up lines?

ya know just outta curiousity. will be running xc and track again this year so i might as well give it a shot for the heck of it (:

God, random chance and evolution?

Indeed, we could've turned out like zerglings just as probably. However, we didn't. We turned out as humans... Well maybe not. I'm more of a determinist myself. I believe that with the sun we have, and with the size and magnitude of the big bang, there was no avoiding how things turned out.

Are you a real user or a government plant for propoganda purposes?

The Pentagon is developing software to secretly influence social media by developing fake online personas that can sway internet chatting on comment boards to reflect U.S. government propaganda. The Guardian of London reports a California-based firm has won a contract to create an "online persona management service" that would let military personnel control up to 10 separate fake identities at once. The identities would be used to respond to relevant online content with blog posts, tweets, chat comments and other forms of interaction. A military spokesperson said foreign audiences would be targeted, as it would be illegal to use the technology on U.S. citizens.

How many significant figures should this answer be rounded to?

It should have three sig figs because 0.195 is three sig figs (the 0 isn't significant). The rule for multiplication is that you use the # of sig figs of the number with the smallest amount.

How do s view African Americans?

Me being an African American I am just curious about how uals view African Americans. Do you think of us as your brothers who's destiny is tied up with yours? Or do you see us as people preventing you from achieving equality? The reason why I'm asking is I always hear when a straight black male complements another male or something in that respect they say "no ". Also I know of the fact that 70% of African Americans in California voted for proposition 8.

Need help for which RB to start for my week 8 Fantasy Football lineup?

Can only start 2 RB's. Considering the matchups this week, do I start Frank Gore (rushed for only 30 yards last week), Ladanian Tomlinson(couldn't score a td against the chiefs), Pierre Thomas(has been so-so), or Mike Bell?

Does Anyone Else See Obama's Double Standard?

Barack Obama is a two-faced liar and traitor to America. he is destroying our country and our future with his socialist policies. under his budget, everyone under the age of 30 will spend the rest of their lives paying for trillions of national debt. his $787 spending bill has failed. inflation, unemployment, and gas prices will skyrocket soon. WAKE UP, AMERICA.

Microsoft Word-Thesaurus (synonyms)?

When I click on a word, and choose Thesaurus, I want to find options for different words that mean the same thing. I'm not getting any matches for simple words. And when I get matches, it's very few. How can I expand this feature?

Malaysian water monitor!!!?

i was wondering if someone had one for sell, or knows someone who does! or if they know a website that sells them (in usa only)

Help with an Aztec culture project?

all i know is that they had cats, not everyone knows this but they did that's why they are my favorite ancient culture

Responsibility for wage loss due to an accident with a commercial car is part of PDL or BodilyInjuryLiability?

I had an at-fault accident with a commercial car (town car) in NY. No body was hurt, and my insurance paid for the damages of that car, but now I'm sued because the driver has not been able to work for some days after the accident (because that was a commercial car). I had Property Damage Liability but not Bodily Injury Liability. Am I responsible to pay that guy because he has not been able to work or my insurance company? The coverage related to this issue is part of Property Damage Liability or Bodily Injury Liability?

Debt collector calling MY cell phone for my BROTHER?

This is strange. I got a call on my cell phone from a debt collector for my brother who is 10 years younger and hasn't lived in the same house with me since 1990. He lives in another state and has always had a different last name bec. he's my step-brother. HOW can a debt collection agency get my cell phone number and connect me with my brother? We don't even use the same cell phone carrier? We don't even really call each other except for holidays/birthdays bec. we're both busy. Can computer software REALLY track down your relative's cell phone numbers?

Can you help me identify this compound with 1H NMR and FT-IR spectra?

What are the multiplicities of the peaks at 3.5 and 1 in the 1H NMR (ie are they singlets, doublets, triplets etc)? Also, is the peak at 2 supposed to be part of the product?

Agree or Disagree: When Israel gave away Gush Katif they were more concerned about being politically correct?

Israel did not give away Gaza. Israel has rushed out of Gaza, because the Israeli politicians realized that there is no way on earth they could outnumber the Gaza population, or guarantee the safety of any settlers in there, nor could they use their pre 1948 practices and wipe them off or terrorize them to leave and become refugees in countries like Jordan and Egypt, with whom Israel had peace treaties signed. It was well calculated decision. You can say; Israel has lost their first demographic war with the Palestinians in Gaza. Something the Israeli politicians should think about while pursuing the unfriendly and hostile policies with their neighbors, including the Palestinians. In fact, the Israelis would be much safer and can live in real peace forever, if they rush into a peace deal that gives the Palestinians a little state in part of their land in return for the Arab full recognition of the state of Israel.

Do you know a friend or family member who has lost their job over 9 months?

Not 9 months but my cousin lost his job about a month ago and is actively searching for a new one. It was shocking when he was laid off. Terrible. =(

Should I trade Roddy White for Greg Jennings in Fantasy Football?

I do not know. I think they are both equal talent. However Greg Jennings has Aaron Rodgers who is ranked number 1 in QB's by ESPN. Roddy White has Matt Ryan who is ranked number11 by ESPN

Twilight - bellas lullaby?

ok i have been doing piano around a year but i cant play two hand but my brother is amazing at the piano he can hear a song and play it!! so he is teaching me on the right hand only but i was hoping someone would know if there was the background music anywhere and also i cant find anywhere that has Bella's lullaby on one hand like a sheet.

Peterson AND Turner on same team?

I had the first pick and went with Peterson. Another player in my league picked Turner and is offering to give him to me if I pay his $40 entry fee. Do I do it??? Turner and AP on the same team is a hard thing to p up.

I need the few days old article about Micheal Jackson and a 5 million dollar cache he gave to account executor?

It was a regular news article on yahoo headlines(so to speak...), and it was displayed either mid-last week or one or two days later. I had attempted to have it print out at a library and they mistakingly deleted it. Micheal gave this money to some by the name of Torme ( I am trying to remember) just how this guy spelled his name. Any way, this guy supposedly gave it to some executors close to Micheal's estate. Somehow the millions came up missing...according to Mr. Torme. It appeared as another one of those stories about Micheal that has more sequels to them than endings. I really adored Micheal Jackson despite all of the mysteries surrounding his life. He seemed of course to have more talent and pizazz than controversies. I hope you can find the article since your website displayed it. Thank You! Harold Smith My email is hsmith102@yahoo.com

What does this letter mean, can someone tell me?

The writer of the letter is asking the receiver of the letter for money so James can participate in a drama cl. They just give alot of background info so that you will be more likely to donate to their 'worthy cause'.

Oh my goodness only serious answers please of what you think about this?

Eh.....people have been calling every man in power the antichrist. Plus, the mid-east is still tearing at each others necks. I'm not an Obama fan either....but that's just kind of a ridiculous excuse to make him sound worse. Why don't you try arguing the issues rather than using the bible against him.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Strain Your Brain and think about the amazing complexities in you human body. How many years ...?

Now imagine yourself getting old and slowly losing your eyesight and hearing... brown spots appearing on your skin as your muscles lose their tone and usefulness... bones becoming brittle and teeth falling out. Think if you still can.... was this designed by a higher intelligence?

I am having mixed feelings and I need some help please!!!!?

You don't need to care what your parents think. Geesh, you're able to think for yourself...Or not because you're asking us for help.

Half-life problem...?

There is a simple way to go about these problems, but I wouldn't recommend using it all the time as it is kind of a shortcut. Remember you definition of half-life...the amount of time it takes for something to be reduced by half. So 100g would go to 50g then to 25g then to 12.5g and then to 6.25g which would give you 4 half-lives and therefore 40 years.

Hmmmm...? What to get for my daughters' sweet 16 when new car is not an option?

I never had a sweet 16 so Im putting myself in her shoes!!!! I think u should get her a blinged out cell phone. U can take it to a phone retailer and have them customize the phone 4 you with black diamonds, skulls and crossbones and u dont have to have a bill. You can buy the expensive phone and pick a network with limitations. My boost cell phone is only $50 mthly. Unlimited talk, text, nights and weekend and I have the wireless web! There are other good networks also check it out. YOU CAN REALLY TOP IT OFF BY GETTIN HER, HER FAVORITE SYMBOL,(GUITAR, CROSSBONES...) IN THE FORM OF A NECKLACE OR BRACELET AND GET 16 ENGRAVED ON IT SOME WHERE. HANG THE JEWELRY ON THE PHONE THROUGH THE LITTLE HOLES ON THE TOP.Basically put the two gifts together so that she will be more surprised. I mean come on she'll be like ''OH I GOT A CELL PHONE ITS SO PRETTY'' But when she actually examines the phone she will really be shocked to see jewelry. I can see it now!!! She will definetely forget about that car for a while. Even if u dont use my ideas just really come from the heart. I wish someone would have thought about me like u r thinkin about your daughter. TELL HER DIVA D SAYS STAY SWEET AFTER 16....

Have you ever ate a tin of smoked oysters only to realize they were rotten after you were done eating them?

I think the first bite would have told me that! I love smoked oysters so I probably would have eaten them anyway.

How do you explain PDA?

I was in the grocery store looking at the selection of pre-packaged salads. This couple I had never seen before pushed their cart in front of me so that they were in between me and the produce I was looking at. Then, instead of picking out salad as I would have expected, they started kissing very noisily (a lot of smacking and moaning). What was that about? I don't get public displays of affection. Someone who does that please explain.

Why do some christians not like harry potter but love narnia?

Both have magic, a lot of it! And I know that the lion the witch and the wardrobe is a metaphor of Jesus, but it still has a lot of magic.

What are his intentions?

There is the young man at my school, I shall call him Morris (not his real name). At my school, we are a hgih school, not seperated into grades, we all work together.. I am a sopre, and he is a junior. Last year, we talked sometimes, and I would say we are not quite friends. Well anyways, on the first day of school, he wanted me to sit next to him. I found him staring at me quite alot as well. During an oral presentation of mine, he kept grinning at me, and told me it was a great paper. Today at school, he kept turning around to grin at me, as I was sitting directly behind him. He talked briefly to me at lunch (we get to leave campus). As I returned from lunch, he complemented my shoes and how nice I looked with my hair up. What is going on here? My fellow female clmates seem to think he likes me, I beg to differ. I just don't know. Please share your thoughts.

I have followed the instructions to verify 3 additional email address several times on different dates no help?

You say you're trying to verify the email addresses.. But it looks as if they don't exist. So, in that you have verified that the address is invalid.

Will climate change be a bigger scam than the global financial crisis?

I don't know about a bigger scam because I don't believe the GFC is a scam Unfortunately it is real. But Global warming is the mother of all scams and it's what governments world wide are relying on to boost their coffers because of GFC. And it is interesting they are all giving grants to select groups of scientists to promote it if you are a scientist who disagrees with Global warming there are no grants to ist you in your research interesting. Another great example of this is the Cancer council Cancer is curable and has been since the early 1900's with simple natural products But Governments and Big Business (Pharmaceutical Companies) are doing all they can to contain this information I know because 20 years ago I had cancer. By the way just because I don't believe in Global Warming doesn't mean I am not environmentally conscious there is a lot to be said for solar and wind power and water conservation and used properly can really reduce your fuel bills by up to 80%

How do you use MLA in the writing proses?

I am having a hard time figuring out how to cite my research, and my professor wants me to use the MLA process. A well written explanation and a web site would be appreciated. Thank you very much.

I don't like kissing my boyfriend, how do I tell him?

tell him you don't fell like kissing any more tell him lets try something new and if it don't work brake up with him that is what i will do i don't like kissing my girlfriend brakeup with her in a good way it might turn out to be good

Which side of the immigration issue has the greatest number of bigots?

Most of the think tanks believe there's 10% on each extreme that is racially motivated and potentially violent. Thankfully that leaves 80% sane people to hopefully come up with a solution to the crisis.

Are we splitting up? PLEASE ANSWER?

Ok fellers, so this is what's happening. My best friend and I have been best friends since January-ish, and since then we hooked like the snap of a finger. We like the same music, same friends, same food. All of that. So school ends, and over the summer I'm busy workin on the ranch, feedin dogs, hunting, all that. But we still talked. But we didn't hang out much. So this year of school comes around in August, and we have math together. we sit next to each other, and I make her laugh everyday. Then mid-september rolls around, and she starts acting real strange.She started actin like one of them spoiled California rich fellers. Last year, she was good-lookin, but not wow. I was still nice to her, even though my friends said she was "un-cool." Then over summer, she became beautiful. Braces came off, her grew ALOT, and she lost. I compliment her a bit more, and she blushes. But now, I'll try to say something nice to her, and she goes pssh ok thanks, like she doesn't appreciate it. I didn't over-compliment her, and she's purty popular now. I mean i don't wanna brag, but I'm popular at my school, everyone knows me, im the all around nice guy, and people love me. I think she just used me to get popular. Before, we would talks for hours, and now, we can't have a five minute conversation without her pissing me off by being short and showing attitude. She became real guy friendly, hanging around guys since summer all the time. Maybe she thinks I'm just another dog after her pants? Nope. i actually care about her, and why would I want to get in her pants right NOW, I'm only 14 0_0 but i can't tell if it's my fault or hers. What do y'all think? And if you read this, mucho gracias amigos y amigas ;)

To any Americans who have been reading me, May I say?

If I have offended anyone I do humble beg your pardon. Contary to what some of you may think I am very pro American ,I always have been and I always will be.To wind them up is a sport of mine because apart from a few bigots I know that they will accept me for being the fool I am, and will make the nessary alowances.As you can see my english is lousy and my spelling even worse, I could use the spell check but I wish to present myself as I am.I think that I will srart on the French next and remind them of Napolian that should wind them up. Once again If I have upset you please accept my apolojies. I doff my cap and make a leg and withdraw singing under my breath "Oh say can you see etc" Fare thee well

Should i get a PDA or a new camera for college?

I think that a PDA would help me stay organized with my homework and activities. But i love to take pictures and capture moments. I have a digital camera already. it not great or anything though. only 6 mp. so What do you think?

What does schwa sound mean?

What is pronounced as a schwa will vary enormously from accent to accent. You should do it yourself with your accent. I can't think of any of these words where what I pronounce as a schwa might be pronounced differently by another native English speaker in the world, although I'd be surprised if the second syllable of 'industry' were ever pronounced with an [a] or [ʌ].

What will get nailpolish off of suede couch?

friends daughter spilled nailpolish on their couch.... need help getting it out before dad gets home!!!

Can God make something so big even He cant lift it?

im not making fun of God i am a Christian, its just a curiousity question. i need mature truthful answer.

Explain the spiritual side of U2 music and give some example explain the historical side of U2 music and give?

Subject-wise has hovered around History because much of my political beliefs has been shaped by what I learned in the past. History plays a key role in shaping our future so we can learn from it or repeat our mistakes.

Can u tell me three fluids used to clean microscope lenses?

You need to know what the specifications are for the lenses you are using. You do not want to wash away any coating or dissolve the seals that keep liquids out of the lens. Alcohols are often too strong. Many lens cleaning fluids are dilute organic solutions. Deionized water works well in many cases.

What day did the music die Elvis, John Lennon or MJ ?

imo i was stunned and saddened by them all but for me it would be MJ. because now that he is gone we are left with crap amateur singers like lady gaga, katy perry jason mraz etc.

Why Can't Jehovah's Witnesses Say 'Hi' to Disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses?

. But none of our religions forbid us from continuing to be friends. Personal friendships don't end when someone finds a new church. We just don't talk about spiritual matters. EXACTLY. Other religions let their members do whatever they want even if it is against Bible teaching as long as its member keep putting the money in the coffers. Christians are supposed to be guided by the Bible. Not the other way around. Did Jesus tell us not to talk about religion? Did he and the Apostles refuse to talk about religion because it may cause an argument? So called "Christians" will do anything and condone anything to keep from rocking the boat. What is the purpose of being a Christian if you do not obey God's laws?

Dream interpreters please help.?

Maybe it means something like if you go back to where you came from, things will be different but you should still be simple and you will be happy without all of those other things. And even if you have all these fancy things in your life, that doesn't mean that you will be happy or stable. And if you have fancy things, sure you might look great on the outside and it may look like you have everything together, but really you will be a mess inside because you won't be happy with just materialistic things.

Good acne and black head cleansers?

Some say just a little toothpaste and water can do the trick, it is cheaper than buying some fancy acne cream and it knocks out to purposes.

Why do christians use "the new covenant" to explain why they don't follow all the old laws.....?

......and yet they still quote the old testament with regards to ity?Surely this is excusing your own prejudices?

How do i find the isotope for an element?

thats easy an isotope is an element with extra neutrons.. so just add the number of protons and neutrons together... and that will give you the new m

Where do i put postage/write the address on the priority mail envelope? read on?

might sound stupid i but don't want to mess up. is it the the blue/eagle side or the back where u have somehting written. i ume its the blue side but i've never seen postage on a non-white background. and 2nd i cant write the address on the blue side (blue pen) or the white side on the backside because there's like 6 lines of information about how to use the envelope etc.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Did God tell Daniel that The Messiah would arrive 445 years after the command was issued to rebuild Jerusalem?

The next date of major importance is the 20th year of Artaxerxes (Longim), the year Nehemiah received permission to go and rebuild Jerusalem. (Ne 2:1, 5-8) The reasons for favoring the date of 455 B.C.E. for this year as against the popular date of 445 B.C.E. The events of this year that involve the rebuilding of Jerusalem and its walls mark the starting point of the prophecy concerning the “seventy weeks” at Daniel 9:24-27. The weeks there are clearly “weeks of years” (Da 9:24, RS, AT, Mo), totaling 490 years. the prophecy pointed to Jesus’ appearance as the Messiah in the year 29 C.E.; his death at “the half of the week” or in the middle of the last week of years, that is, in 33 C.E.; and the end of the period of God’s special favor to the Jews in 36 C.E. Thus, the 70 weeks of years closed with the conversion of Cornelius, 490 years from the year 455 B.C.E.—Ac 10:30-33, 44-48; 11:1.

I broke my hand two weeks ago (Boxer's Fracture); it has been getting steadily more painful and swollen.?

I was first in a Galveston Splint and the Doctor then just put me in a normal splint. My hand was never set and the bone keeps sticking up furhter. Is this the normal course for a hand to take?

How do i verify my adenture quest account w/ my dragonfable acount?

I have memberships in Mechquest, Dragonfable, and AdventureQuest, but i cant verify my adventurequest with my dragonfable...how do i do it/ i already have my mechquest verified with both, but i dont know what to do now...plz hlp

Which songs are the best for hip hop dancing?

well me and my friend are in hip hop dancing cl and the songs that were dancing on is SUCKS! i need a really great song to offer to my dancing teacher :] kinda like "in the air" (flo rida and will i am) and "lose control" (missy elliott) style like not too gangsta .

Did I eat to much for a six meal diet?

It sounds like a healthy mix, but it does sound like a lot! I know I'd feel too full if I ate all that. But I eat a lot less than you, so I dunno. For you, it's probably okay since you exercise and you drink a lot of water which is really good. So you're probably fine.

What's the best aluminum cleaner?

I have an extensive collection of hammered aluminum and much of it is tarnished. I've tried all the metal cleaners for br, copper and silver ~ nothing. I also put some into my dishwaser which was a tragic mistake. I even asked Martha Stewart with no reply.

Harry Potter - 2 Part Question: Books v. Movies?

The books are WAY better, because they have so much more detail, and in fact will help you understand the movies better.

What kind of falcon would be the best to have as a pet?

Is buying falcon eggs over the internet illegal? And What would be the best kind of falcon to have around kids? I'm looking for some falcon eggs. A kind of falcon who would be a good hunter. Not too big, but not too small. Also add the website where you can buy the eggs.

Did Jesus sum up his misunderstanding of nature when he cursed the fig tree for not having fruit out of season?

Shouldn't he have a better knowledge about fruit bearing cycles considering his dad made the earth and all that?

Why isn't Obama crushing McCain?

“Even so, one step from my grave, I believe that cruelty, spite, The powers of darkness will in time, Be crushed by the spirit of light.”

Help is this a fair trade?

corey maggette, derrick rose, and rudy gay for the following players: caron butler, steve nash, and jeff green

Who can I trade BJ Upton for?

Good job on the Cain for Weathers deal. Take it before he changes his mind. I personally think Carpenter is useless for this season. I'd grab Dotel, who's soon to come off the DL, and will be KC's closer upon his return. Your offense will be good once guys like Texeira, Young and Soriano get into their groove. I'm not a big fan of Beltre or Chavez, so I'd keep Upton for 3B and try to trade off one of those guys. If you don't like Upton, I'd try to get Aramis Ramirez, who has yet to heat up and is in a great lineup. I don't think you necessarily need more closers, you'd still have 3 after trading Weathers (4 if you grab Dotel), but if you feel you do, then yes, Wagner is definitely a good one to go for.

Gravity in Star Wars?

It seems like no matter what planet or moon or asteroid or space station or ship the characters in the Star Wars movies are on, the gravity is the same as it is on earth. What's going on? Why aren't Chewie and Han floating when they're in the Millennium Falcon?

I have a math problem I need help with?

Okay, first the runner is going 3 times as fast as the walker. That means, when the runner goes .75 miles, the walker would have gone only .25 miles. Those two distances are a mile, combined, so they will meet when the walker has gone .25 miles. Now, if that walker was to walk for a full hour, it would have gone 3 miles. If you were to look at how many .25 mile segments are in 3 miles, you would have 12 segments. Now, to translate that into time, look at how much a 12th of an hours is. A 12th of an hour is 5 minutes. So, they will meet in 5 minutes, when the walker has gone a quarter mile, and the runner had gone 3 quarters of a mile. Not exactly a traditional math problem, from my solution...but i am right.:P

How can i get him to like me?

i hear that the guy i like likes me back, but he is going out wiht another girl. and i heard that they are gonna barake up so he can be with me, but that hasnt happemned. PLEASE HELP ME!!

Can I fit alloys myself?

Can I fit alloy wheels to my car myself? Or do I need a technician to do it? I was told I could do them myself, however, a friend says I need a technician to do it due to wheel balancing e.t.c

How can you find out if a particular band name is copyrighted or trademarked?

I use http://www.trademarks411.com to research trademarks. They have a free searchable database that has all the trademarks in the United States. Hope that helps!

My 10 year old is lieing about homework to both teachers and us, what should we do?

She has been having problems for a while at PT conferences we discussed this and thought we had a plan. The teachers were to make sure she had it wrote in the school planner (but that lasted a wk) and her home room teacher was to have her put her homewrk in her mail box. She tells her homeroom teacher she has not homewrk in reading and the other cles, but they talked and now know what is going on. I do not think she has done homewrk for a month. I am going to ask if they could send her work home for the wk on Monday so we have it and know what day she does what. Any other Ideas, punishment is not working. She is Bi polar and she is in therapy and other treatments for this. The teachers just quit helping then they get mad at us. I can not make her do her homework when she does not have anything wrote in her planner (which we have to sign daily), or she does not bring home any home work ( and yes we look in every part of her backpack and any other thing in there.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Just telling a story(bout my life)?

Sounds like a good,smart horse.Its amazing wot u can do with them wen u click with them.Some horses(as with other pets) u just hav an affinity with & can do allsorts.Keep it up & enjoy!!

Is it better to have loved and lost or not to have loved at all?

I am all for having loved and lost, instead of having not loved at all. Love is a wonderful thing, even if it does not last for as long as we would have liked.

Compatibility issues in astrology?

that website actually has a feature that compares you to your partner. go back in astrosoftware and compare

Get out your gay-dar!! zac efron??

Ahhh he keeps touching his man . lol. Idk if he's gay or not. He kinda looks it. But idk.....hard one to call.

Should I apologize to my Teacher about a gay comment?

I would, it's always to have a good relationship with your teacher, especially if your grade is on the verge of 89% at the end of the semester

Which mattress would you choose? Pocket Spring or Latex?

Latex without a doubt. Pocket springs are made with thinner gauge wire and do not hold up well over time. I've seen latex mattresses last over 50 years, yes, 50 years. Not to mention how comfortable they are. These can be got for around $1300 if you buy factory direct. The Latex Mattress Company is a great place to look at online.

Is this laptop worth it (considering where its from too)?

That is a mid-range to high range laptop. Very good specs 9-cell battery is a very good battery lasts very long. Lots of ram, fast processor and good graphics card. And yes i think its okay from ebay ive bought many things off there

Hows this outfit for the first day of school?

i myself would wear either, but most proberly second outfit, and ofcourse it doesnt matter your clothes arent new. im sure you will look lovely good luck :)

Who agrees & who dis-agrees!?

This isn't really much of a question, it's just who honestly agrees with me on this. Most say that the world will end sometime in December in 2012. Right!? Some say it will end the 12th, others say 21st. Now, honestly, me I don't believe it. People say that the Mayan's Calender have to do with it or Obama's the Antichrist that the Bible states and they also say the Bible says the world will end on this "specific" date. Now hold on! The Bible DOES NOT state a date.. only God knows when the world will really end. The Mayan elders are getting really frustrated with people going around saying that they have something to this. First off, nobody has the right potential to come & destroy/take over the earth. STOP WATCHING SO MANY DAMN CARTOONS! Who agrees with me and who dis-agrees and why? Be specific.

I just bought a WindowsXP 2007 and am not sure if its really a microsoft product? take a look please?

i bought this new "windows xp 2007" which is a burnt cd but still the installation works. on the cover, it has a lot of spelling/ grammatical errors. and it says also it has the new "service pack 3" along with other programs l;ike nero 7, msn 8, norton antivirus 06, etc. is there such thing as a windowsxp2007 that microsoft created? if yes, then i dont care about the burnt cd i'll install it right away, if no then it's crap :) please help me.

Is anyone else tired of Packers bangwagon running their mouth?

Listen this is the Bears not falcons Defense,plus they playin in Chicago bad turf field if you not a real sports fan don't commit.

Small creatures are trying to tell me something, I feel?

you're just thinking too much .after i watch scary movies, i always hear noises or someone walking, and when i check to see if its anyone, its nobody. its all in your head. no worries dude. and no your house/apartment is not haunted.

Who has the most potential out of this players?

Stephen Curry. He has the ability to play off the ball and at the point guard spot. A deadly shooter, not blazing quick but can get buy you with his good ball handling skills and he has a high basketball IQ. Honestly my favorite player and who I try to model my game after.

How to get computer going again?

my granddaughter went to system restore to get it on an earlier date and the way she is explaining is that she lost some things .not sure what.she is only 13 and not too computer literate.me either.her parents are busy.way busy to help.i;m in ga.and she's in fl.she needs it for homework and of course talking to her friends on facebook.can anyone help with this.hopefully you understand .thanks

Who's the hottest of all babes? My vote: Elisha Cuthbert. Guys and s what do ya think?

I also like Flo the Progressive Insurance girl, there is just something about that quircky nutball. But what about Liv Tyler, Christina Aguilara, Nicole Kidman, Beyonce, there's so many of them that have restraining orders against me.

People dont like hanging around a person that sensitive?

I can be sensitive at times too. It sounds like your roommate is a very sarcastic person. She probably has the tendency to hurt other people's feelings. Knowing that, she probably tries to stay away from the sensitive type because she can't keep her own emotions at bay. People like that have their own sensitivities on the inside that you don't know about. Only deal with her when you have to. Don't take anything she says too literally. Just turn a deaf ear to her when you have to.

Trying to figure out when I ovulate... help.?

You can buy an ovulation test kit. It measures LH.Your LH hormone peaks 12 to 48 hours before ovulation.

I have secured a rank 12000 in AIEEE and 600 in UPTU. Please suggest which are the best colleges for me...?

Also please tell which is the best branch for engineering in HBTI. What about Rajiv Gandhi petroleum Institute? How is it?

Scary Coughing Fit and Couldn't Breathe?

maybe asthma? i have it really bad and when i have bronch it makes it a million times worse i cough alot n can barely breath, ive been to the hospital twice for it and last time they said if i woulda waited any long i would had a heart attack because of the pressure being put on the heart, i was gasping for air n coughing really bad, you should go to your dr. and get checked for it just in case

Do you see beauty everywhere?

I see beauty in many things and ugliness in hatred, war and disease. However, I see beauty in your poem.

Will the Mets sign Manny Ramirez?

Mets need a corner outfielder that can rake is Man Ram the final piece of the puzzle? If not any suggestions?

A question for Christians about the forth commandment?

In looking at God's word are youan Israelite? Where in the new testament are we as gentiles to keep the sabbath? For that matter where is it for any one in the new testament to keep saterday Or any day for that matter The Lord said He was the Lord of the sabith

Should Mel Gibson make a sequel to The Pion?

In The Pion Jesus comes as a humble servant to give his life on the cross to pay for the sin of the world, but in the new sequel he comes back to judge the world and bring his wrath on those who are not part of the bride of Christ and have accepted the Mark of Satan (666) .

This isn't really a question?

If it's not a question then why did you put it in Yahoo Answers????? Get a myspace account or something.

Question on Statistics...please help. Thanks!?

I want to test the hypothesis H0: u = 50 against H1: ≠ 50. The sample siz is n = 10. The sample test statistic is t = -1.48. Find the P- value for the test.

I need help with my brochure?

Well, in all three of those media, often violence is unnecessarily glorified and glamorized, which makes it seem alluring to impressionable kids, especially those who are predisposed to that sort of negative influence. If they see movies or TV shows or go on websites which aren't suitable for their own age group, then it can encourage them to copy what they have seen. However, there are now many educational shows which are aimed at improving the behavior of kids, and helping them to be more positive, and some shows show how destructive violence can be, and discourage it, so that is a more positive influence.

In Kansas City, can I buy a bushel more /less of oysters preferably fresh but have understanding?

Would love to eat some oysters not at a resturant, anyone know of a market that sells oysters by the bushel.


First of, McGahee shouldnt even be on your team and secondly its easy go with Turner, Forte, White and Owens and Royal

When filing taxes, is there a business expense deduction limit?

For example, towards the end of the year i estimate that my small business (LLC) I will owe $6,000 in taxes. If I then purchase a new computer ($4,000) and purchase more advertising ($2,000)....Will this mean, more or less, that i will not owe the government any money the following year?

Name the movie from which this quote comes?

This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.

If God is just some myth why are their so many follower's?

If Hitlers theory was wrong why did he have so many followers? You�re a christian, you probably believe islam is wrong, yet why do they have so many followers ? Just because everybody does it doesnt mean its right.

Would you date me......?

Bruce Willis is awesome. Personally if you are yourself I would date you. You seem like a fun girl. Hockey fan...great! I am a big one too. I think South park is hilarious. To me if I were into those hard cles I would be a slacker right with you. I like all kinds of movies but they have to have a plot. 80's movies are great also. I would date you yes. You seem really fun to me.

Does anyone elses hamster knaw the tube on it's water bottle?

my hamster has started knawing/sharpening her teeth on her water bottle tube, does anyone elses do this???

Medicinal sleeping pills problem?

I have some medicinal sleeping pills ordered in from America to help with my sleeping cycle. They are a melatonin dietary supplement. All it contains is 3mg of melatonin per tablet, rice flour and gelatin. However, just 1 of these pills seems to put me into a very intensive REM state of sleep. Taking 2 gives me night terrors and bad dreams. Taking 3 or over causes extreme paranoia and very vivid nightmares throughout the night. I also seem to have increased nightmare rates since taking my first pill. I have had no confirmed sleeping disorders from a doctor before, but I do tend to sleepwalk. Is there any reason why these pills affect me like this? And is there any way to reduce or cure these effects the pills have caused? Thanks.

I have something hanging out my bum?

i have a really weird piece ov vainy skin hanging out of my backside it sometimes bleeds whilst having a poo can anyone help?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Please help with matrices?

using the property : transpose of |A| = |A transpose | and then interchanging the first row with the third in the transpose of A which would be the same as the transpose of A initially without interchanging, u can prove it.

How do I "calculate" the "relative abundance" of isotopes of an Element (See question details inside)?

The element Europium exists in nature as two isotopes: Eu-151 has a m of 150.9196 amu, and Eu-153 has a m of 152.9209 amu. The average atomic m of Europium is 151.96 amu. How do I go about calculating the "relative abundance" of the two isotopes? What are the steps involved here?

What can I do if I'm a victim of a Lotto Scam?

I received a letter in the mail stateing I have won the lottery out of London, England . Thay sent me a check for the sum of $ 2,995.90. They gave me a contact number to release the check and depoist it into my cheking account. Then I'm to send by money-gram $2,840.00 for international fees, and receive my lotto winnings after thay receive there fees

What do you think about this rap I wrote quite a while back?

You can't ask for peoples opinions and then get mad at the feedback.Feedback from potential fans is how you'll grow as an MC.If you flow and nobodies boppin their heads and saying wow then you just sharpen your skills,it's no big deal.As for your flow,it's violent and tered.Put your rymes in bars.Try 16,24,32.Each bar is kinda like a sentence and when you put it on a site like Yahoo Answers people can read it better.Keep flowing homie but stop being so mad,it's all gravy fella!

I am makingh my own Film Company and i cant come up with a name and we make Gory and Comedy Movies?

So i need you to give me a name for my film company that would go with gory and comedy films!!Give me tings you can come up with!!

Did it bother anyone else that Palin avoided the questions?

When the question was concerning foreign policy, Palin deviated and discussed alternative energy. She seemed comfortable only when the moderator selected an issue that she had rehearsed and memorized at McCain's Arizona retreat. Sticking to talking points made her knowledge seem artificial, and she claimed that McCain would reform Washington without doing much to substantiate her points.

Who should i start pierre garcon, jeremy maclin, or brandon lloyd in week 15?

i have to choose 1 out of the three, i have to start 3 and i already have reggie wayne and calvin johnson for slot 1 and 2.. also which rb should i sit out of 4 i have to start 3 i got peyton hillis, ray rice, jamal charles, and jonathan stewart... thanks

Microsoft Word 2007 help????

I have microsoft word 2007. As i was typing my paper for school the spell and grammer check was not working. Even when i would spell a word wrong it would not underline it or automatically correct it. Can someone help me fix this problem?

About central air conditioner?

Heat pumps do very well in Southern California. The only things you really need to weigh are 1. The initial installation cost, and 2. The price difference in paying for the electric to run the heat pump, or the gas to run the furnace. That just requires a little homework. Either way, you'll get a very efficient unit compared to your 30 year old antique. P.S. check with the Gas & Electric companies in your area for possible rebates. That might also factor in to your decision. Good luck.

Gore, Kerry, Hilary, Obama,... Are Democrats trying to pull our legs?

I really think both parties need to stop making fun of each other. Thats what makes American politics seem like such a joke.

What do I do? icky teacher! (im a junior in hs)?

test him... write a paper about the same length you usually do. start the first few paragraphs as normall. but then for the rest, only right the first sentence of what u would write. for the rest of those paragraphs, fill it in with watever you want. and mayb include in ur gibberish why you are writing like that just in case.

Kangaroos problem?

Kangaroos are becoming a national problem in the main streets of sydney,breaking into our homes,stealing our alchohol and raping foreighn animals.What can we do,please help.

How can i get him to like me?

just because you're hot doesnt mean any guy wil just like you. you need to prove you have a good personality. friendly. doesnt judge people. ect... goodluck:)

How do i become a video game tester? 10 points!?

im 16, and i really want to be a video game tester. Not just to play games, but to give reviews and advice. How does everything work if your a game tester? and how do i become one?

What hershey park rides are fun?

ive never been to hershey park its going to be my first time on June 5th, 2009 and i just wanted to know

Any body know about LLC tax's ,?

If I am living in my brothers house, which he paid cash for and let's me live in it with no rent to pay, I just pay property tax's and utilitiesand all the up keep, can I write any thing off???

Re: SURGERY for BODY ENHANCEMENT, can you write a funny story,juuust 4 fun, that includes 5 of these lines?

Entering the building, I saw the sign over the Temple of Body altar “Someone's gonna lose gobs of fat, someone's gonna go broke, and someone's gonna find God” (1). I put my offering in a plain, white envelope and sat in a pew next to a biker chick, a poet, a self-absorbed interior decorator and some crazy cowgirl from Arizona. (7) Our priest, My doctor came in wearing baggy pants, big shoes, facial tattoos and a derby hat. (3) One by one we were led into the Cleansing Rooms, where vacuum-like tubes were inserted into our various body parts. We were each relieved of the burdens of our over-indulgence. Going back to the pews, we listened to the priest’s sermon. He spoke about the evils of oreo’s and fried food. He extolled the virtues of tofu and lettuce. His words were so moving that I thought I'd cry but my eyes are swollen shut. (4) Before leaving, we recited the Body’ Creed, “The food you eat goes to your seat - unless you exercise self control.” Now, Except for my numerous neurotic tendencies, I never felt better. (6)

How can i get rid off a spot that has popped but still red and painfull?

Your gonna think im crazy, but if you can get your hands on some mens aftershave, spray some on your finger and rub it on the spot. It will dry the spot up and you will smell good ! :) Keep doing this unil it dissapears, it shouldnt take long ! It may sting a little for abot 4 seconds max but its nothing to worry about ! Sudo crem is a great solution to ! Good Luck :)


i am going with rotary for a year, and i know spain will be #1. however, i need 5 more and I don't know what order to put them in. put them in your own order. belgium, czech republic, germany, argentina


I wish I had Purple carpet! The wall paper is perfect but make sure not to go to over board. Use like a light blue or a light orange don't go to dark. Hope this helps! :)

Does he like me MORE than just friends?

Be patient and do what you think is right and everything will turn out fine for you. Grasp your own happiness and dun think too much. Let things flow naturally as it should be without trying to push too hard and spoiling everything

So i like this guy and I don't know what to do?

So I've known this guy since fourth grade, we would hang out by the playground in the summer time when our parents couldn't watch over us and they had to work, so we went to Daycare. We were weird in our own little way he said stuff without caring what people thought, I was sort fo awkward. As we got older we went to middle school together and we had the same homeroom and then we went onto high school. We had the same homeroom for one year and then he switched out of the honors academy. We still had maybe one or two cles for most of the years and if no cles then we had lunch together with our group of friends. Then junior year came and he told me after a long test we had to take, he said "Hey I'm moving with my father, things are turning into hell living with my mom. So I'm going to finish high school out there." I was crushed, I still am. He was the one guy who I always cared about who in returned cared about me, and he left to live with his father. He looked happier when we hung out with a few friends and he looked happier. He talked about his new girlfriend who didn't seem so pleased about, and when we dropped me off back home we hugged each other and told each other good-bye. I didn't want to keep him waiting he was driving home others as well, the next day my friend told me to hang out so I did. She looked at me and said "Did you noticed how he looked at you?" I was oblivious. "He looked at you so much differently then any of us, he has this look when he sees you." I laughed and then my friends said the same thing. For the longest time I've truly liked my best friend and I've known I've been to selfless to take him from his happy like and his relationship with his girlfriend. What do I do? He doesn't live in my city anymore, and he has a girlfriend, and I have no way but AIM to contact him with..

Prices for Prostyle Martial Arts and Self Defense school just off Carlin Ave?

does anybody go to Prostyle Martial Arts and Self Defense school just off Carlin Ave.? if so, what are price ranges for kickboxing? i want to take kickboxing, but none of the school list their prices on their websites. Thanx alot =]

Question for fashionistas!!! What are the top winter fashion trends of 2009/2010?

Okay, so I'm writing an article about Winter Fashion. I know that coats, and boots and dark colors are in but I need specifics. What type of boots. Are UGG's still in? Or different types of boots? What type of sweaters? Are hats in? I know skinny jeans will always be in but are leggins and tights in? Thanks for your answers people!! :)

What does julius caesar reveal about human nature?

That most, regardless of relationship, will act according their own personal interest for self improvement.

So who makes virus' and spyware?

i was wondering if the antivirus companys such as nortons anti virus create the virus' them self so they can attract more costumers. think about it, if it wasent for those hackers. how else would they make money?

Just how serious is Jordin Spark's vocal cord hemorrhage?

Do you think trying to sing big like she does did it? Kelly Clarkson had similar problems several years ago and she's a screamer, too.

Are the chronicles of narnia books?

Are the chronicles of narnia books worth getting? i want to read some good books are these it? do you know what all seven are about?

Question about shadesticks?

I bought one of those chunky shade sticks in white from maybelline to put on my lids under my shadow. Are you supposed to sharpen those? When it wears down then what? I just throw it away? Cuase it doesnt look like it would last too long....

Anyone who can provide me with a suitable introduction 2 Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?

a href="http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/juliuscaesar/" rel="nofollow"http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/ju…/a

How would u determine the iron content of cast iron and steel in the lab?

Being able to determine the exact content is somewhat of a tedious task; you can try speaking with the manufacturer to see what the exact molecular constituent ratios are. Otherwise a materials ysis of the alloy would be necessary; you would have to undergo methods such as silver reduction-dichromate titration, hydrogen sulfide reduction and dichromate titration, or dichromate titrimetry. Cheers

How do you chose between your heart and your mind?

I can 100% guarantee you that if you chose your heart over your mind, you'll wish you never did. Your mind knows best, I promise you. Your mind knows logic. Trust your mind.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I have Honda Accord 1999 Manual Transmision, 4 cyl and I had some one replace the starter motor?

it could be the starter staying engaged a little to long and hitting flywheel whe car starts, bring it back to shop have them listen to it. might be a bad remanufactured starter

Does anyone know about tex avery cartoons?

its those old school ones tex avery was responsible for bugs bunny foghorn leghorn wiley coyote and all of those. im looking for the ones with girls yo no like saloon singer or the show girl. i need titles of the episodes, the ones i know r : red hot riding hood, swing shift cinderella, little rural riding hood, and thats it

What if tax brackets worked this way why can't the rich pay 70% on the first few 000 dollars too flat rate p?

It is not about if they have the money or they can afford to pay more, its about right and wrong, and making a person that has made a success of their lives pay for those that have not is wrong. What's wrong with EVERYONE paying a small flat rate. I'd like ot be able to go on line and search income of the US and give figures of how a flat rate would be a benefit over this progressive tax we have now, you know simple math, x-number of people making x-number of dollars equals x- number of dollars income tax verses what we have today, but amazingly you google that and it is not findable (though I suspect somewhere in the million plus hits that information is available but it ain't in the first 1000, do you wonder why?)

How long should I wait to see a doctor if I don't have AF or a BFP?

I'd call and make an appt now for a couple of weeks, that way you should get a bfp or af by then. Sometimes af just comes late, I'm ttc and my first month af came a week late. Just be patient and try not to stress out. Good luck to you!

My one year old daughter takes things from my 2 year old niece...?

also she hits and pushes and pulls on her, she is only 13 months old and my niece is 27months old but my daughter is so mean to her. She is the only child and doesn't like sharing. How can i break her of this "habbit"? i tell her no and pop her hand when she scratches and bites her but my baby just gets mad and screams, not cries but screams at my niece. My niece and her "FIGHT" about almost anything and its annoying. what should i do, and i know its normal for kids to fight over stuff but geez, my baby is MEAN about it! lol

When a guy looks away and pretends not to see a girl?

What does this mean? The guy I like pretends not to notice me down the corridors of my high school. He's generally friendly to me, but why didn't he say hi???

If my baby is born in Vietnam will it be difficult to get her a Dutch pport?

My boyfriend and I are expecting our first baby this year. He is Vietnamese and I am Dutch. Baby will be born in Ho Chi Minh City. We are not yet married and I was wondering how difficult it would be to get the baby a Dutch pport? Because one day we hope to live in Europe. And if we are married how difficult is it for him to get visa for Europe? Thank you :-)

I woke up to my sister smelling my feet?

i was sleeping and woke up n my younger sister was smelling my feet what should i do she didnt no i was awake thanks CINDY

Chances of NYU admissions?

Hi, i am an honor student, phi theta kappa honor society member, 3.95 GPA with 24 creds at kingsborough community college...i have 2 bros that graduated NYU stern (1 valedictorian[not lying], and other summa *** laude)....all i have is 24 creds so far....a shitty high school transcript.....alittle above average sat 1650. 580, 560,510...... and i want to get into NYU CAS college of liberal arts ans sciences.....what is the likelihood of my acceptance....i will have killer essays and serious aspiritation to eventually become college professor all stated in the essays....letter of recomendation and the whole nine ...also stated about my bros ...bs ...bs......the only prob is maybe 24 creds is too little??? maybe my SAT and high school will effect ?? whats the story there?? am i good 2 go ?

If 4.00g of methane reacts with 15.0g of chlorine what is the limiting reagent?

I have done the stoichiometry of both to get 70.7g of Cl2 and 13.6g of CH4, im just not understanding the whole limiting reagent part of it.

What is the overall political inclination of Yahoo Answers?

At a bird's eye, I can see people here are mostly republican/conservatives. This is sort of a census. could you tell me what political affiliation you have? Anything goes.

I just moved to Houston and I'm looking for a place that sells prepared meals.?

Looking for a place where I can go and prepared meals that I can freeze when I get home and then pop them in the oven and serve. In Tampa there is a place called Dinner done where you go and prepare the meals then bring them home, freeze them and then later thaw them and pop them in the oven.

What does profound undertaking mean?

ok when someone says that "what you are doing is a profound undertaking" is it always a bad thing? what does it mean?

McFadden v Moreno running back question?

I need a little advice regarding which running back to use for my fantasy league.... Currently I have Darren McFadden starting with Knowshon Moreno on the bench.. Mcfadden playing the steelers and Moreno playing the Seahawks.... I think this is the right move? I am thinking I should play Moreno. Let me know what you think!

Mendelian genetics black tabby cat HELP 10 pts BA?

In cats, tabby (black and gray stripped) is dominant over black. How could the owner of a tabby cat determine the genotype of the cat?

Why do certain images on history chanel always reappear?

There are many example but some are on the same show 2 examples are The "V" shaped alien craft in alien hunters appearing as a space ship in the show "The Universe." Another example is the Star Trek earth space port appearing in the "Life after Humans" and "The Universe" again.

What do I do? (Friend problem)?

One of my close friends has been dating this guy for like 2 months. They are very very touchy. At school (I am in high school) she is always hanging on him. They will stand hugging for long periods of time and when they are holding hands she will lean into him. I hardly see them apart and they are always kissing! When I try to talk to them at school it is so awkward because there continuing PDA leaves me feeling very 3rd wheelish. At lunch today they were expecially touchy. My other friends and I have talked to her multiple times about how their PDA makes us feel uncomfortable and other people will soon start getting a bad impression of her. She says that they have no time outside of school to properly date and I understand but it is getting ridiculus. Now if someone tries to talk to her she gets upset and says she can't help it. What do I do?

There are over a million sites devoted to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.?

Yes. I have studied the mind and philosophy of the world every day for four years. I've read from Buddha, to Kant, from Taoism to Marx, from Hinduism to quantum physics, and have written four books thus far. I know what enlightenment, nirvana, zen-hood, Christ-consciousness, is, and most sites won't offer it. If you ever have a question about anything that deals with existentialism, philosophy, or the mind feel free to e-mail me, or add me as a con. but I am quite a busy fellow so please don't expect exigent answers. :)

Please rate/critique my names?? I really need answers please?

I like Clara Marie and Joshua Taylor the best. I like Noah as well but I don't like Douglas, I like Wesley as a middle name

Girls only!! plz??

ok well i have bin leking with stuff out of my like its blood but its not and my lower tummy hurts so can this be a painfull ovulation or a long discharge?? and can u still ovulate when pregnet?? no i'm not pregnet that i know of.

How long have you been a P&S user?

My current account goes back to August of last year. But I officially started in 2007. I miss a lot about the old Y/A. It was funny, entertaining, there weren't as many dumb, rude, and arrogant questions. People had a sense of humor and didn't take it too seriously. And there were fewer reported/deleted questions. I have a hard time finding good questions anymore which now limits my time on here.

Am I cursed...I know its sounds strange?

I think that I might be cursed or something with not being able to love. Everytime I ask someone aout or I start to like someone, something happens in my life. Its started since I first started liking people. Around first grade ( I know its a long shot) I liked this girl. After I told told her one afternoon, I got sick with a fever. I was so sick in fact that I went to the hospital and it took almost a month for me to recover. In 4th grade I liked this one girl who eventually also found out I liked her. I noticed porgressively through the rest of the year that my nose grew. By the end of the year, I had a large nose that ddint fit my face.(Probably just early signs of adolescence, but my nose is still pretty big) In sixth grade I dated antoher girl where we actually kissed. TRhe day after we broke up, my parents started fighting and going thorugh a divorce. The year after, my mom moved out and got divorced the day I broke up with another girl. Last year in 9th grade I met this girl and were friends but I wanted to be more. After summer hit and I started thinking of going over to her house, I lost all my appetite and lost over 30 pounds. Now in 10th grade I stop liking her, and that problem goes away. Everything bad in my life that has happened, happened after or when I liked a girl. Its sounds wierd, but its just such an odd set of coincidences, I really dont know what to think anymore. So let me rephrase, I can like someone, but I have to suffer because of it. Am I cursed?

Adult degree completion?

I'm a full time working mom that needs to complete a degree in Accounting or Management to be considered for a promotion. I've read tons of neg comments on online degree completion. I live in the KC metro area. Any suggestions? Tuition, convenience, completion time, and outside work are huge considerations. I've searched and searched but haven't found a clear "winner". Any input would be greatly appreciated! I currently work for a large corporation as a Credit Administrator and looking towards Credit Management. Thank you!!

What would happen if Hoover Dam were destroyed?

The only credible answer to your question is to the amount of water. Of course it varies, but is around 28 million acre feet. Since it generates about 2000 kilowatts of of electricity, its loss would be catastrophic.

Will Red lipstick look good on me?

sure if you bought it then wear it! who cares what others think if they are still "teasing" about your clothe make up etc. then they are very immature. Unless its like your family and they are joking then i guess its all right. But yeah go for it! ! !

Rate Time Distance problems?

You start with the basic distance equation, Distance= Rate * Time. I would make x stand for the time the second ship travels, by the way, just because that's the value I'm looking for. Personal preference. That means that D(Ship 1) = 17(x + 2). D (Ship 2) = 22x. When Ship 2 overtakes Ship1, the distances will be the same, right? Make the two expressions equal, and solve for x. You can also solve it by using the two expressions you came up with and setting them equal; you just have to keep in mind that your answer will be the time of the first ship.

Should i be worried about this????.....?

i tend to have headaches alot.... they are almost always on the left side. very few are on the... i havent gotten as many in the past week but before this i was taking two pills a day ( just regular asprin)... my mom new and didnt reall ysay anything... no wmy mom is a migrane sufferer adn my older sister ( my moms step daughter) gets headaches to... neither one gets them as often as i do ( that i know of ).... should i be worried? should i go to the doctor? i dont know of any allergys that im aware of but could this be part of the problem?.... i guess i tcould be hereditary but my momand my sistre are only related by marraige... its not only in on ecertain place either.... i get them at school, home, stores. it doesn tseem to matter wether its quite or loud hot or cold clean or dirty i just always get them... im mostly worrie dbecasue they are all mostly on the left side of my head....please help

How good is the name Rosie?

my aunt is gonna name her kid Rosie and i think no cuz of rosie o'donell. do you agree? is it good name or not?

Filly won't eat grain.....Any suggestions?

Soaked Alfalfa cubes with 1/4 cup corn oil daily, switch back to her old grain and mix half and half with yours after she gets calmed down from the move.

Was Felix Sturm just too damn good tonight?

Sturm's accuracy, jab, defense, footwork, work rate was sick tonight. I think at this point the guy really deserves credit, he looks like he is in his very prime. He wants Pirog and Martinez anywhere in the world. I have nothing but respect for the prime Sturm i witnessed tonight! Any thoughts?

Difficult question: why all the fund raising for Haiti, when we, the USA, have killed more people in Iraq?

its all about plublicity for these people, they do it to get on tv and show the world how great and nice they are. trust me none of em care much about anything except what to eat for there next meal and there next big $$ contract.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do i know if my cooking pot is suitable to go in the oven?

i have a large stainless steel pot with 2 handles and a lid. I use this for stews etc on the hob but how do i know if it is suitable to go in my oven?

My neighbor feeds my dog and I am having problems getting him to stop?

Inform the neighbor and his son, in writing, that any veterinary expenses incurred from the toxic items will be billed to the neighbor. You may want to provide the neighbor with a bag of safe treats. Mark your dog's name on the bag and remember to send over a new bag in a couple weeks.

Two open spots, 3 great matchups, who do I start week 11?

i say deuce and moss... kc has a real bad run d and the dallas secondary is still hurting and theyll prolly air it out more with the troubles in their run game (both portis and betts dealing with injuries)

Which of the following is false about chemical bonds?

Answeres to choose from: A. ionic bonds involve an exchange of electrons B. ionic bonds are stronger than non-polar covalent bonds C. polare covalent bonds form between dissimilar types of atoms D. a carbon-carbon bond is a strong bond E. hydrogen bonds give structure to large molecules like DNA

Madden Curse finally broken?

Was the Madden curse finaly broken this year..troy polamalu last year broken leg or something like that, brett favre led nfl in INT's and bad year with JETS, vince young got hurt and bench, shaun alexander basicaly carrer whent down the drain, mcnabb torn acl or something...and this year i didnt see nothing bad with Drew Brees besides only having 22 INT's but sometimes good QB's have that kind of bad numbers...or does someone think that something bad happen to him like loosing today to the seahawks.

What should I wear tomorrow??

I am going to a party tomorrow. I just got new shoes, and I really want to wear them. Okay, we are going to be running all over the place at a carnival tomorrow, and then we are going to a cooking cl. I just got some puma's, and some keds. Should I just wear old shoes? I don't want to get them dirty. I just got them two hours ago. What would you recommend?/do?

Chemistry help!!!?

If you have a solution containing the three ions Fe3+, Pb2+, and Al3+ , each at a concentration of 0.10 M, what is the order in which their hydroxides precipitate as aqueous NaOH is slowly added to the solution?

How do I calculate the molarity of a titrated solution?

I am so confused. I ran three titrations using .980 grams of potium acid phthalate in 50 mL of distilled water. The titration volumes (mL of NaOH needed) were 47.8, 45.7, and 52.2. Now I am supposed to figure of the molarity of the solution, and I have no idea were to start.

Should i be mad at her for not telling me the truth?

Me and my friend have been friends since the middle of summer. every day we all would hang out at her house. she is dating my friends brother. ever since school started she has told me that her parents don't want any one over at her house. her boyfriend is allowed because there together. but then she told that her other friend was allowed over. so i asked whats the difference if im over there or not. we had made plans for her to come to my house. but then she starts to make up reasons why she cant come over. her last excuse was that she had to go and get hair die. and if she didn't go her mom wouldn't by it. so i told her to come over after. she said she had to be in by 7 ( every other day she is out till 4 in the morning. ) plus she has to drive her boyfriend home. by 11) in either case i told her how i felt then she got defensive saying that i was jealous. she had said that she had a lot going on and she wasn't worried about her friends. and that there was more important things going on, so i come back with well if you have enough time to stay the night somewhere, and hang out with other friends and your boyfriend why can't you chill with me. if you don't want to be straightforward, don't lie and make reasons on why you can't come over or hang out. now she wants to fight me cause now she is calling me racist against spanish people when thats in my family. i am not scared about fighting her. cause it's not competition.. what should i do.

What do you think will be the outcome of the illegal immigration firestorm?

My guess is that Mr. Obomba will bellyache against enforcement and deportation just as much as the millions of illegals do. He so desperately wants all the illegal votes he can get. He has no intention of doing the right thing.

Why isn't the world more upset about japans situation? Do you think humanity is responding correctly?

You mess with the atom, to take your chances. Japan messed with it and lost, so Japan has to deal with the consequences. It's only fair. Japan did not have to mess with the atom, but they chose to do so. So now they pay the piper.

What can I put on my shoes to avoid footprints?

I just got a brand new pair of Michael Kors, they are all leather, but the problem is the area where my foot goes is a tan color, the straps of the shoes are black. Is there some sort of treatment I can put on my shoes to avoid a footprint mark? If not I will have to return that, and I REALLY don't want to do that! Thanks!!


He was scared that if the country comes to know of his true worth & capacity he will never be accpted as a future PM?

Should child-care workers be paid more than plumbers because it's "more responsibility"?

Something is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. Most people will pay more for a plumber than for a childcare worker. Partly because plumbing is something you need a complex training for, whereas childcare is a simpler thing. Partly because most people who want childcare need it done every day, and most people couldn't afford to pay a childcare worker at the same rate as a plumber.

Wolfete asked me to name one successful progressive(or socialist as republicans would call it) country?

And not only are they successful economically but most of them are high on the scale for best standard of living, best health care, best education ... and ... they all have their fair share of rich millionaires ... !

Is the moon the same size in different hemispheres?

I was wondering whether the moon follows the same pattern all over the world when it follows its lunar path? As in will the moon be the same size in Australia as it is in Europe and in the Americas over the same 24 hour period?

Is this a fair trade?

you wont get fielder or A-gon for cabrera..Unfortunatelt as good as Cabrera ,he isnt well known so i dont think you will get a great player for him.but i also think your fine. The other manager has a horrible ss ,so your gonna trade him one of the best producing ss's in the league? Be patient.Dont help the opponent...unless u can get fielder or a-gone for cabrera then do it.

AFL Tips for new 15 year old player!?

I'm playing next season (in about 5 months) and need dieting, training or exercise tips to get me the best advantage for the season. I want to increase core strength, fitness, speed and technique for the season and also any dieting tips (high carb. foods, high protein) or any exercises you person ally find helpful. Any help will be welcomed.

My boyfriend of 5 years put a girls # under the initail K and lied to me and said it was a guy "Big K"?

Unfortunately if he's lying to you about it then it's because he's doing something wrong or thinking about doing something wrong. Talk to him and tell him to act like a man and tell you who this K is and to tell you the truth. Don't let this go until you find out the answer because if you turn your cheek now then it will continue happening.

Does she have a thing for me or doesnt she?

She likes you... What do you mean by unavailable? If you mean you are dating someone else you might want to reconsider, because it seems you have the hots for the other person. Be honest with yourself and go for whos best for you.

What is the value of Kc for this reaction?

A mixture of 0.510 mole of carbon monoxide and 0.595 mole of bromine was placed into a rigid 1.06-L container and the system was allowed to come to equilibrium. The equilibrium concentration of COBr2 was 0.202 M.

Survey: How long before Charlie Sheen goes the way of?

Hard to say. I think when he crashes from his manic condition, his family may step in to have him committed.

Is the activation fee required for the Huawei Ascend?

So Cricket Wireless is giving the Huawei Ascend phone away, free, with a trade. Do you have to activate it right away? Or can you just get it then activate i sometime later?

How to help friend's sister with realization of why people treat and discriminate against her?

It is horrible that so many people treat her the way they do. Honestly, you can't really protect her from these people. You could fight back, which may leave your friend's sister feeling even more "abnormal" and isolated because you are further drawing attention to her by taking the "bait" from the bullies. Also, this does not stop random people on the street or in the stores from stopping and staring. Unfortunately, you can't control everyone around her. I think what you need to do is to work on how she can improve her self-esteem and self-confidence. So many people think that self-esteem is directly related to physical attractiveness. However, it is merely a matter of being happy with who you are. What are her talents? What are her best features? Help her develop those. Feeling like we are good or "the best" at something helps us feel more important and confident. It doesn't have to be anything special, just something important to her. So, when people start staring at her, just lean over and say, "They're staring because they're jealous they don't have your eye color" or "Wow, that person was really mean and horrible. I guess they'll never meet someone as kind and giving as you if they treat everyone that way" or "That person is only mocking your speech because they don't have the vocabulary and verbal knowledge that you do" or "Try not to pay attention to the staring. You still make the best cakes in the state."

How could the author of Luke and Acts be the same if Jesus ascended in a few days in Luke but 40 days in acts?

When he got around to writing it down again, he forgot how many days he said it was when he first wrote it. It isn't as though he could just Google it.

For all the Czechs out there: what does 'nenalíčené' mean?

I stumbled on a Czech site with photographs of some celebrities in a most unflattering light. The page is titled Nenalíčené celebrity. What does 'nenalíčené' mean? I tried some online translators, but they couldn't find the definition. The URL is http://zabava.ultrapc.cz/index1.php?str=celebrity

Paxil and loss of libido AND inability to achieve ?

I have been on paxil for about three months and have lost all but complete intrest in and have only been able to achieve once in this time, and that was very minimal and very VERY hard to come to. This is not only taking a tol on me and my manhood, but also my girlfriend. All of the other side effects have worn off and my doctor (who I think about changing) says to give it more time but if anything things are getting worse. I find myself looking up in desperation and it is driving me insane. It feels like it is takign over most of my life and ruining the rest. My art, music, and my weight training are all falling so far behind. Anyone else have these same problems or just some advice? Thank you.

The Palin bump - why did it happen?

Because they relate to her family life. They see themselves in her (i.e. a harried, multitasking mom).

Monday, November 7, 2011

Packers starting TE, who is it?

Donald Lee started in the first half of the season. Jermicheal Finley started in the 2nd Half and has been one of the biggest reasons for our 2nd half run.

Agree? American government is the smartest government in the world.?

With or without Obamacare, this nation has a long way to go, when it comes to intelligence. And, I certainly do not claim to have an edge when it comes to that.

I can't figure out this DNA stuff!?

You're not doing anything wrong. If you break the sequence into codons, you get 8 of them and then 2 more letters. I looked each of the three letter blocks (codons) up in my biology textbook, but there are no stop codons, and the last two letters leave you hanging. Not every sequence will have a stop codon since you are not looking at the whole strand, only a part. Check your text book for the name of the amino acids! Good luck!

Please rate my yugioh deck?

um kinda good but i think that its mess up.......i got a l.A.D deck its amazing.. but i rate you deck 4 out of 10

Dominance aggression or fear aggression? And what do I do?

If what you said is really true, I wouldnt worry and I would never take my dog back to that clinic again! It sounds like you are doing everyhting right. the vet tech obviously didnt know what he was doing.



Do some Christians, Muslims, Jews, think chi (ch'i, ki, or Qi) is of Satan!?

The funny thing is, not only will you probably have a more fulfilling life from studying the philosophies of Chinese and Japanese martial arts, but also these teachings have been around for thousands of years. I'm not completely sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese martial arts and their philosophies existed long before the first idea of one "God" amongst the Israelite tribe. One thing I do know is that the Israelite tribe was first polytheistic. So to answer your question, many many many religious folks would think of Qi as evil, since it's not a part of their doctrines. Even if one takes the spiritual aspect out of Qi and sees it as a purely biophysical concept, it is still amazing. I wish I could study Chinese martial arts in depth :/

Is cheating on a test to play sports a good example of blind ambition?

Is cheating on a test to play sports a good example of blind ambition? Im writing a paper that is supposed to explore one of the themes in Macbeth. I know that a really obvious theme of Macbeth is blind ambition.

Do I need to open the upstairs fireplace flue to have a fire in the fireplace downstairs?

I rent a room in the lower floor of a student house. My room has a brick fireplace, as does the living room upstairs. It's freezing down here and I would like to have a fire this weekend to warm up our floor (my poor roomie down here has no fireplace and her room is equally as chilly). It would also reduce the heating cost because we could shut our vents and they could lower the heat upstairs. My question is do I need to open both flues in order to have a fire in just the downstairs fireplace? I believe they are traditionally separated but I wanted to be sure first. The last thing I need to do it have smoke billowing into the upstairs!

What are the works of Gandhi in which we find his idea on the West?

His main theme was "nonviolent conscientous objection". His ideas influenced Dr. Martin Luther King in the American South. For instance by marching, demonstrating, and boycotting the city buses the African- American people in Birmingham, Alabama could force the bus company to allow black people to sit in the front of the bus. By having "sit in" demonstrations at lunch counters the store owners were forced to serve black people. Civil rights could be achieved by peaceful means. That violence was self-defeating. I hope that this has been a help to you.

Help removing Advanced Virus Remover and Security Tool?

Okay, my computer somehow picked up this Advanced virus remover. After searching online I downloaded malwarebytes' anti-malware and Super anti-spyware. I ran them both separately and then ran ccleaner. About 2 days later after minimal computer usage, my computed was suddenly infected with this Security Tool. I then did the same process, running all 3 programs separately. From the surface they "appear" to be gone but my free AVG keeps detecting trojans and websites are sometimes being redirected to different ones.This is getting super annoying and I dont feel comfortable using my internet, because I sometimes do banking online (although I havent since these recent infections). I am fairly computer illiterate and people tell my to manually remove them, but I have NO IDEA HOW. Can someone give me detailed step by step instructions how to remove such things manually. My computer seems to be running a bit slower, and I am a bit scarred to even get online. Can someone PLEASE hook a brother up!!! Thanks : )

Why are people not aloud wild pets?

because in all fairness isn't every animal wild, or were at some point especially dogs, you get wild dogs all over so why is it not aloud to have a wild pet , given the proper facilities yes in this day and age so. if say two monkeys or loris' grew up as a pet and another of different , if they were too mate then maybe it might cut down on the "wild instincts" and be able to become a pet. how did it all start with dogs and cats!!??

Which of these dresses? * pics*?

I say the second one looks more youthful. Especially for a high school graduate. I think you should get some white flats, like some cute decorative ones.

Is it ok for rabbits to ingest aspen shavings?

Recently my house rabbit has been chewing on her aspen litter. I don't know if she's actually eating it or just nibbling on it. Is it ok for rabbits to ingest small amounts of aspen shavings? She doesn't eat very much of it. I can't find any sources online that say it's bad or good.

Help me plzzz?

There is something it fells like that is caught in my throught and it just fells weird..there is no cancer and i don't have an adams apple my doctor thinks it might be asma but i have to go to a specailist so idk..but if they don't find anything then i probably have asma but it kinda fells like a little asma attack so can you help me give me lots of things it could be and thanks=]

Why are people glad about Manny's return?

He used steroids! Why do he and A-Rod deserve to be treated any better than Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Mark McGuire, or Sammy Sosa?

I must say, the bran muffin references are tickling my funny bone?

I searched "bran muffin" and it had nearly 700 references, plus off to the side it said "secret bran muffin recipes" and a link...okay, it is late, but I thought to myself whilst rubbing my hands together, "ha ha ha (evil laugh) I will soon have THE SECRET bran muffin recipe...soon I will rule the WORLD!"

Do you know the artist for the songs jibberish and lullaby ?

I know that those are the name of the songs. I cant figure out who the artist. I know it is r&b male singers. I cant remember the lyrics to look it up.

What does this symbolism mean?

I'm reading the book The Great Gatsby we are reading chapter 5 now and she asked us what the clock symbolized. I thought and thought about it for a while now and I'm not coming up with anything..Please help!!

Did America shoot itself in the foot with the war in "I-raq"?

Didnt need to go there for any reason whatsoever. No WMD's. 3000+ US soldiers killed for no reason at all, sons and daughters of people with bush telling them a lie. Then hundreds of thousands of iraqis killed which never intended to harm the US in history. All along when in Iraq women could get educated in universities and work freely, people could start businesses and prosper and there was order in society between Shia's and Sunni's, not civil wars. Oh and al qaeda couldnt get into iraq either. Also, Saddam was supported by US when attacking the kurds and shia's etc.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Felony Conviction Pardon, who just should I address my letter to?

To author a felony conviction pardon, I need to know who to write to and at what level of government, so that the felony conviction pardon has the best chances of going through?

Getting a key cut for my car?

I lost my car keys and heard it was going to be an arm and a leg to pay a locksmith to make a new one to fit my oldsmobile 98. Could I buy a key directly from GM with my vin num? I called the local GM dealership but Im still waiting on a reply. They have the key that fits my car on ebay but I dont think it is cut to my vin number... would this be even worth buying? Locksmith pros help me out

What are some non improper videos on youtube I can watch?

My sister is a squeeler and tells my parents what I watch and I hate that but I still want to watch youtube.

Are you a cynical person?

Very much so. My interactions with other people on a daily basis only serve to compound my view that many, if not most, people are inherently selfish and inconsiderate.

How do you feel about retail employees who use aggressive sales tactics?

I generally walk away from pushy sales people - even if I am at the register and they are ringing me in. If I've said "no thank you", then I mean NO and if they keep pushing, they've lost the sale.

Will going out of home help my son , who has just started stuttering?

why would you going away help his stuttering!!!! that makes no sense, maybe he inherited your intelligence.

Wiring went out how to replace?

i have this 1994 plymouth duster the radiator wire went out how easy is it to replace or how much does it usually cost to get it replaced at a mechanic

Why would there be engineers in ww2 pow camps?

at the beginning of Stalag 17 cookie said there was engineers in the camp. Why (ad how) would they be in there?

Will this computer play wow on the highest settings possible?

All your specs look good enough to play WOW on high settings. The only thing that is questionable is the ATI HD4770. Its a bit of a older card. It should be enough though to run WOW on full settings. WOW is blessed not to be a very demanding game on PCI-E video cards.

Rate my fantasy team please?

Your team if off the chain i give it a TEN all the way. Of course you know that's a small gamble with TO and Moss, but you nailed it dude!

How do i make a board game based on the play Julius Caesar?

I'd call the game, "Et Tu, Brute." I suppose you could design a chess set with Marc Antony's army on one side and Brutus's on the other. Geeky, but not exactly trivial enough. You could have people draw cards with quotes from Shakespeare's play and try to match them up with the characters.

Please help me am I taking good care of my turtles...?

Ok so I have 2 red eared sliders and I want to know how if their boys or girls!!!! I counted the scales on the bottom of their shells and their are 25 and I want to know what that means. Also I want to know if I am taking good care of them ok so I have them in a 4 foot by 4foot kiddie pool with a filter and I feed them the regular tetra turtle food and I feed them 2-3 times a day and I leave them outside summer and spring. But I just want to know if Im taking good care of them or not i've had them for 2 years.

Is 4th dimension access using a modified hypercube and carbon rod possible ?

I am currently in the 3rd dimension wishing to gain "write" access to the 4th dimension ! In the past i have used a thermocycler with varying PCR values and have found mixed results (Yes i have tried aligning my hypersurface). Is it possible to enter the 4th dimension if i were to insulate a carbon rod with modified fiber optics and integrate a multitude of hypercubes using the reverse polychora synthesis method ? This is a gift for my wife so i don't want to let her down.

Registry file failure wont let laptop load 10 points?

You need your windows DVD.. and you need to do a system repair. you can also boot to that DVD and go into recovery console (press R when it says) and type FIXBOOT .. its something to try. You WILL need you windows license key (*25 digit VLK that comes on the computer).

Need help in oklahoma please read and give advice?

I had a child custody case were several witness pejuried themselves and the attotney that representing them is now the DA who prosecutes perjury. My daughter is the witness.. My daughters mother, mother's boyfriend, one of the other witness and her husband broke into a house that we use to own (it was foreclosed on weeks earlier because debts set in the divorce for her were not paid and they garnished my wages because they were in my name) and vandalized it, took pictures and said that is how we lived. Our old neighbor told us it had been vandalized and we put it together with the pictures in court. My daughter told me later that she was at the witness's house and they talked about it before they left and came back talking about what they had done (both in front of the children). My oldest daughter is almost 11 now. She was afraid to tell us so we did not find out till later. We had tried to report the crime earlier when the pictures were in court for breaking and entering but were told it was no longer our house so we could not file any charges. The witness said she had not been in our house since months prior to but describe an instance that the house was in bad shape. That was pejury she had, she had broken in with others and vandalized the home. The mother's boyfriend admitted that he had entered the house but the sherriff had given him permision to, but since they even reported that the witness husband stayed outside to watch for police.. obvious they knew they were committing a crime. quite a little counspiricy. Then they all conspired about a false date that something happened (was actually a year before) and pergured themselves about that in court. The reason they lied was because the judge said he was not going to hear any information prior to the last custody order of joint custody (I had emergency custody granted prior to that order because of neglect and removing the children from the state without notice and tring to hide the children from me) and this instance was prior to that date. We had even put into the court order prior we could use this information but the judge refused to hear it even though it was in the order that he signed. We have spent every penny on this and because my ex has used the free legal aid prior and the only other low cost legal aid too they will not help me. I have filed several petitions before on my own and won several of them including a order to vacate order before. But not sure if this would be the route or not. I can not file for an appeal because the new DA who was thier lawyer has never filed a order as prevailing party and so no offical court order is on file only the transcripts. I would like to have the trial moved because the improper rulings. I want to let my daughter talk to the police but she is afraid her mom will find out and if has to go back to her moms she will punished her. Please help me. What sould I file..? Can I get it moved to the county I now live in.

Older Movie about Writer Falsely Accused of Molesting his Daughter?

I know what news story you are talking about but I didn't know they made a movie about it. There was a Law and Order episode that had that exact same plot obviously based off the same events.

What is the exact answer for " Mathha Tekna".?

Do we say "snuggle head" in front of God or something else plz help. Or can we say Pray to God or pay obscene ?

Are painfull secrets inside bad?

i have a question for u guys what should i do. There is this girl that i think i might like should i tell them how i feel about them. when i was in hs they were really mean to me and hurt my feelings and insulted me all the time. this entire time i have kept what i feel to myself and never talk about how what she said made me feel. at least not to anybody but myself

What was your highest cod4 kill streak?

what gun did you use, how did you get it and what map was it. Mine was a 22 kill streak in countdown with mp5 red dot.

Its been 20 years since Spurs last won the FA Cup?

we do have a mive squad, but i think the priority will have to be the cl if we win our qualifying game. the league as well will be priority. i know what you are saying though i grew up thinking the fa cup was the most prestigious trophy in the world and we have some great fa cup glory's to reflect upon. alas we live in a different era now and as roy keane famously said the fa cup has become an afterthought. the famous competition should be transformed by making the winners qualifiers for the cl instead of 4th spot then we would see past pion instilled into the competition.

How will the Marines know when I can ship out from DEP?

So at the end of MEPS I will sign into DEP, but how will they know when I can ship? is there something in the contract that I fill in that says they can have me after a certain date or will I just let the recruiter know???

Is this a good PSAT score for a sophmore?

I got my PSAT scores back and i got 58 on critical reading, 55 on math, and 48 on writing. So all together I got 161. Is that good?

How can I look like a hot mom?

I will be 20 soon and I have a newborn baby. I am a stay at home mom and a student. I'm always looking frumpy just wearing washed out tank tops and track pants or pj bottoms. I have a medium build not too fat or too skinny and I'm 5 feet, wanting to look taller. I need help with picking out a new wardrobe/cut/color/shoes/accessories. Please HELP! Also I want a good type of panty that is y and comfortable but won't give you the VPL! Also nice perfumes, styles, and advice on how to avoid looking like a "mom". I really need to care about myself so I could feel good and be a good mom :)

Hmm just out of curiousity...?

I personally only have an ex step-son over in Afghanistan and a good friend in Iraq. But I pray for all of your significant others who are over there risking their lives for our dumb azz president.....God bless our troops!!!!!

How is my FanFiction story(so far)?

It was a cute story, but there were a ton of grammar mistakes, no offense. Also, maybe cut out some of the exclamation points. haha, it makes it sound childish.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The arsenic in a 1.22 g sample of a pesticide was converted to AsO4 3- by suitable chemical treatment. It was

The arsenic in a 1.22 g sample of a pesticide was converted to AsO4 3- by suitable chemical treatment. It was then titrated using Ag+ to form Ag3AsO4 as a precipitate. What is the oxidation state of As in AsO4 3-? Name Ag3AsO4 by ogy to the corresponding compound containing phosphorus in place of arsenic. If it took 25.0 mL of 0.102 M Ag+ to reach the equivalence point in this titration, what is the m percentage of arsenic in the pesticide?

What is the paradox in a simple act of kindness? Do you believe that even one simple sweet act can transform..?

Acts of kindness sew stitches into the fabric of society. Hate only rips the cloth. When Jesus was crucified, the curtain to the most holy place, the house of the very people who caused his death, was ripped in two because hate tears the cloth. The house was filled with demons of hate because of their blindness. Love sews it up. However, good this happened as a result because now all people can enter the most holy place. Love is holy and kindness is a manifestation of love. Love is as important of uniting the society around us and within us. The society within us are the organs and everything that can store stress and can be healed.

Can someone revise this?

Throughout my life there have been many people who have influenced my decision about obtaining a higher education and doing something I feel pionate toward. Of these people encomped Mr. Miranda, my Social Studies and Life Skills teacher. His parents are like mine as they migrated from Puerto Rico, and they, too, grew up with little money in Los Angeles, CA. However, this did not serve as a factor to prevent him from pursuing higher education and going to college.

Lost USPS Small Flat Rate Box?

You can buy insurance at the post office that will cover this. Also, be aware that the phone might not work in Bangladesh unless there is a cell phone carrier there that handles that phone / sim card.

Do you think Esther on Y&R needs a makeover?

I think she is so hard on the eyes. Everything about her looks fake and ! And those teeth, geez! She could be the spawn of Mr. Ed. Eew.

Names for my baby girl due in October!! Help!!?

i can tell you mostly like uncommon names, and names that could go for a boy or girl, and i like girl's names like that :] a good one could be Casey Louise....but from the ones you have, i really like Paxton, Parker, and Palmer...those ones stood out to me...(lol i didnt intentionally choose all the P names, i just liked them best outta the list). i think all the names you have are cute, and u picked middle names that sound great with the first names. i hope all goes well with your baby girl and your family :)

What religion am I? People who are very educated in many religions and types please help/?

hate to tell you this, that sounds like every religion even though the 3 monotheist religions dont consciously project all these ideals, every 1 would believe these generic descriptions even if their words are different. only YOU can decide what religion YOU are. i suggest visiting www.religioustolerance.org for info on a lot of different religions. if you realize you may wanna try a Pagan path, try www.witchvox.com both sites have great info that can help you. please, PLEASE dont rely on someone else on this subject that is SO important. put forth the effort yourself. i did & im so much the better for it.

Shane Richie?

Is anybody watching Shane Richie on Paul O Grady ,What is wrong it dosent even look like him ,Hes lost his twinkle ,Maybe hes not well or as he just aged or as he put on weight ,I cant work it out

Which is more powerful and better between 8800GT and 9800GT?

I am planning on buying a Geforce Graphic card and i don't know which one to buy. Some says that the 9800GT have some compatibility issues with games and on the other hand we have the very popular 8800GT. but the 9800GT is newer, so which one should i get? I don't like to check the statistical values & performance about those cards on the nvidia site coz they praise all of there products, i want genuine info from users who use(d) those cards. thx

What do you do when you have fallen out of love?

I have not been married long but feel i dont love my husband any more. He is a good person but i feel he wants a house keeper rather than a wife. He does nothing in the house, is totally oblivious to anything and i am really starting to resent him. He makes excuses and lies about working late so that he can avoid coming home first and starting tea. He walks in while i am making tea, doing washing, feeding dog and hoovering to ask if there is anything needing doing. why cant he see for himself what needs doing. i feel like his mother rather than equal partner. He is 45 but cant use a washing machine! He has never washed the bath, fridge, dusted, washed floor etc etc. i feel he is so lazy and i am loosing all respect for him. trying to talk to him is pointless and i have given up trying - he just withdraws and goes in a huff and wont talk for days on end. we never argue there is just no communication. He wont try to resolve things it is always down to me. what do i do?

Can conservatives be honest with themselves and explain *why* they have forgotten the last 8 years of Dubya?

His two wars, his tax cuts, his two recessions, his failures responding to 9/11, his failures with Katrina, his insistence that there was never a recession while he was President, his "Sunny D"-scenarios that didn't jibe with reality, his idea of what a manufactured job was (making hamburgers at McDonald's), his "Mission Accomplished"-speech, his cute little flight suit, his opinion on how funny it would be to start World War III, his promise to keep the government honest, transparent, and deficit-friendly, his commitment to wiping out terrorism by the end of his second term, his idea of helping consumers out following the largest gas hikes in US history--following Katrina, spending $600 million to hunt for WMDs in Iraq, not finding any in Iraq, his speech: "We learned from British intelligence that Saddam intended to buy yellow cake uranium from Niger", his jokes about finding WMDs underneath a table at a press conference, his insistence that "the foundations of our economy are strong and getting stronger", his famous Bush-isms about "terrorists never stopping to find ways to harm America, but neither do we", slapping a man on the back and declaring: "Heckuva job, Brownie!", going on national TV and challenging the terrorists to: "BRING IT ON!", having to raise the nation's debt ceiling 5 times during his Presidency, having not vetoed one single spending bill that came across his desk, introducing the horror that was the "Prescription D"-Medicare Program that eventually would cost American taxpayers $1.08 trillion dollars by 2008--but did little to address the need for prescription drug access for the people who needed it or senior citizens for that matter, his amnesty bill for illegal immigrants, his attempts to privatize Social Security based on the failed Chilean model, "My Pet Goat" and how he spent 2/3s of his Presidency on vacation and golfing...

Triple Aries... and triple pisces?

Probably a good match. If you want to run a compatibility chart you can get one for free at this link: a href="http://www.astro-software.com/cgi-bin/astro/comp2f" rel="nofollow"http://www.astro-software.com/cgi-bin/as…/a

Spaceship must be launched from Earth@ 1.1*10^4m/s in order to escape the Earth's gravitational field.?

By how much would the m of a 3.0 *10^5kg spaceship increase when launched at this speed?(ignore m of fuel burned)

Fantasy Football - Anthony Gonzalez or Lance Moore?

Here's my situation: I have Peyton Manning and my opponent has Drew Brees. I also have Reggie Bush and Dallas Clark. I can't decide whether I should start Anthony Gonzalez (double points if he gets a TD cause I have Peyton) against Detroit or Lance Moore (better yards ratio than Brees) against Chicago for my last receiver slot.

Has the nanny state gone too far?

We cant wait much longer, they are ignoring our rights and our opinions. It is obvious that they care less about OUR RIGHTS. We may not be able to wait till November. It has to be stopped.

Parents Writing Horrible Emails?

It sounds like to me that you are a good business woman and she is simply unhappy because she is out the money. If you have the paperwork then yo have done nothing wrong. Most likely she did not plan properly and thought if she bullied you that she would get her way. As hard as it will probably be I would ignore her. Hopefully you live in an area where it will not be detrimental to your business. She is behaving like a child.

Who do you think will win the Superbowl and why?

Which team do you think will win the Superbowl and why? By how many points would you say the team would win by?

Anyone see this video of CM Punk, Mickie James, and Chris Jericho singing in a bar?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm187WB_yfc&feature=related" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm187WB_y…/a

Suppose you have two 1-L flasks, one containing at STP, the other containing CH4 at STP.?

not enough information given all cases jenny = we need the identity or molecular weight of the second gas ??

Is it true that kangaroos and dingoes freely roam the streets of Australia?

In the cities, not so much. In the suburbs and the rural areas, yes. My car was totaled when my dad hit a kangaroo on the roads on his way home from work. They sometimes get out on the roads and cause some major damage.

Quake 3 community?

Can anyone give me a link to a good and active site for Quake 3? A place where you can download lots of custom maps and such with forums to talk... thanks. I know of PlanetQuake already, so...

Whats the beef between tennis player Marion Bartoli and Virgine Razzano?

it was really funny. the day before razzano said bartoli is a very special special girl. Hinting about the fact she is really weird doesnt relate to people very well

What does Hazing mean can anyone explain within the foodservice world?

i felt like i was humiliated today at work.i work for the foodservice industry wich will be corporate dinning.

Green Goblin kills which girlfriend of Spidey?

Actually spiderman killed Gwen Stacey because his action in an attempt to save(when GG threw her off a bulding) broke her neck